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Mercer County Park L.E.A.D FEST State Fair
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Food Vendors (State Fair Only)
Food Vendors (State Fair Only)
We are beyond excited to announce that our State Fair will again occur at Mercer County Park this summer. We hope that you and your business will join us! The Fair will run from Friday, June 27 through Sunday, July 6, 2025 at the Mercer County Park Festival Grounds: 1638 Old Trenton Road in West Windsor, NJ 08550.
The L.E.A.D. FEST State Fair will open on Friday, June 27 and run through Sunday, July 6.
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Independence Day: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Food Vendor Guidelines:
All Food Vendor Applications must be submitted by
June 1st, 2025
to be considered for participation.
Vendors will pay a $500 upfront guarantee for their space. L.E.A.D. FEST will receive 20% of the vendor’s sales. Should the percentage of sales go over $500, we would deduct the guarantee from the final number.
Food vendors will be given unlimited space, within reason, and are responsible for paying for their own health and fire permits. Space within the grounds, however, is limited – we will accept location requests but cannot guarantee you will receive that space.
Set up will take place on Thursday, June 26 from 12:00 – 5:00 PM. Please plan to be fully set up by 5:00 PM to ensure everyone is prepared for opening on Friday.
Breakdown begins at the close of the fair, 11:00 PM, on the evening of Sunday, July 6.
During the event, vehicle traffic will be restricted between the hours of 4:30 – 11 PM during the week and 2:30 – 11:30 PM on Saturday and Sunday. Vendors must complete their daily set up and remove any vehicles from the field prior to these times each day.
Vendors must be present for all dates of the event. Any vendor that leaves early will be charged a $1,000 fee. You must supply L.E.A.D. with a credit card number and authorization agreeing to these terms at fair check-in. Each vendor must always have a person at their booth.
Sales must be contained within the leased space. Spaces may not be transferred or subleased. Products offered for sale must be appropriate for an audience of all ages. Event organizers reserve the right to refuse the sale or display of any items deemed inappropriate.
All vendors must provide their own insurance. Certificates of Insurance must be addressed to the following entities:
Mercer County Park Commission
1638 Old Trenton Road
West Windsor, NJ 08550
L.E.A.D. Inc.
5 South Main Street
Allentown, NJ 08501
2025 State Fair Food Vendor Application
Apply to be a food vendor at the L.E.A.D. Fest State Fair below. If you are accepted, you will be sent a payment form. All applications must be submitted by June 1st, 2025.
Business Information
Business Name
Business Phone Number
Business or Mailing Address
Postal Code
Website URL (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Sign me up for email updates
Contact Cell Phone Number
Previous Vendor
Vendor Fees
Vendors will pay a $500 upfront guarantee for their space. L.E.A.D. FEST will receive 20% of the vendor’s sales. Should the percentage of sales go over $500, we would deduct the guarantee from the final number.
Early Exit Penalty Fee:
If a vendor prematurely leaves the event, a $1,000 Early Exit Penalty Fee will be charged to a card on file.
Event Day
List Total Space Requirements (for trailers, please list size with open awnings and trailer tongues, if not removable):
in feet
in feet
Please include a sketch of the proposed layout.
Food vendors will be given unlimited space, within reason, and are responsible for paying for their own health and fire permits. Space within the grounds, however, is limited – we will accept location requests but cannot guarantee you will receive that space.
List Electrical Requirements:
To better partner with our food concessionaires, the L.E.A.D. FEST State Fair will set limitations on the number of vendors that can sell particular food items. Please list all items that you intend to offer for sale in the order of importance to your operation. Each food concessionaire will be informed of their approved menus.
Proposed Menu
Please include pricing for each item.
I agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and agreements set forth by the LEADFEST State Fair.
I understand that my application fee, once accepted, is non-refundable.
All participants must read the below Hold Harmless Agreement to submit their application. By checking the box, you are agreeing to these terms.
Hold Harmless Agreement
COI Attachments
Mercer County Park COI
West Windsor Temporary Food License
Please download the West Windsor Temporary Food License form and upload a completed copy with this application.
West Windsor Temporary Food License
(Please email if you cannot print the Food License)
Event: L.E.A.D. Fest State Fair
Location: 1638 Old Trenton Rd, West Windsor, NJ 08550
Date(s) 06/27/25 - 7/6/25
Hours: M-F 5pm - 11pm; S,Su,Holiday 3pm - 11pm
1. No space is considered reserved until receipt of the signed contract and payment. All applications and fees must be received by Friday, June 20 to secure a spot.
2. Vendor check in will take place at the L.E.A.D. trailer Thursday, June 26 from 12 – 4 PM.
3. Set up will take place on Thursday, June 26 from 12:00 – 5:00 PM. Please plan to be fully set up by 5:00 PM to ensure everyone is prepared for opening on Friday.
4. All businesses must arrive on site no later than 30 minutes before opening each day to guarantee a parking spot and have everything set by the time gates open.
5. Each business must be present daily unless the State Fair chooses to close due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. If there are any emergencies or delays, please contact L.E.A.D. to let them know. Should you leave before the end of the weekend without approval from L.E.A.D., you will be charged $1,000. Please be prepared to give L.E.A.D. a credit card to hold on file at Vendor check-in.
Applications must include the following:
- This form, completed in its entirety
- A Certificate of Liability Insurance addressed to Mercer County Park Commission and L.E.A.D. Inc.
If accepted, applicants must pay the following:
- Full payment of $500 (+online fees)
All required forms and full payment must be received by noon on June 20th, 2025
For any questions or email submissions, please contact Debbie at
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